Top Online Resources to Learn MS Excel 

MS Excel looks simple on the surface. But dig in and you understand that what you know is just the tip of the iceberg. There’s plenty to cover in MS Excel. It can be used for a simple monthly budget by a homemaker or even audit and analyze worksheet data and complex financial details. And mastering MS Excel is easier than ever before with scores of online courses available. Here are the top online resources to learn MS Excel.

Top Online resources for MS Excel


udemyUdemy helps you learn from the beginners’ level to advance in just 5 hours. We love Udemy for the fact that they are the best when it comes to online courses on a number of subjects. Udemy is recommended because it not only focuses on the basic, but also the most advanced levels like Data analysis, data visualization etc.

What does the course in Udemy cover?

This Microsoft Excel course combines 4 different courses.

  • Microsoft Excel 101 – An Introduction to Excel
  • Microsoft Excel 102 – Intermediate Level Excel
  • Microsoft Excel 103 – Advanced Level Excel
  • Master Microsoft Excel Macros and VBA in 6 Simple Projects


Video lessons, articles on Excel, supplementary resources, certificate of completion and many more. You get to learn from a Microsoft Certified Master Instructor with more than 15 years of experience teaching different individuals.


2. GCF

GCF learn freeOne of the most comprehensive courses, GCF is a site we love since you get to learn everything for free. The information is simple, easily accessible from anywhere, and helps you with periodic quizzes.

What does the course in Udemy cover?

  • Excel Basics
  • Working with Cells and Sheets
  • Working with data
  • Doing more with Excel


Video lessons, articles, PPTs, advanced topics, quiz etc.

Cost: Free

3. Lynda

lyndaLynda’s Excel tutorials are designed to help you learn Excel at any level. Whether it’s creating spreadsheets or performing advanced data analysis with functions, formulas etc. these courses help you master the software in no time.

What does the course cover?

Courses include the following levels

  • Beginners
  • Weekly tutorials
  • Advanced courses

Benefits:  The benefits include around 140 courses, more than 5000 video tutorials, lessons from industry experts and a lot more.

Cost: Basic $19.99, Premium $29.99.

4. Microsoft Excel Help Centre

Microsoft ExcelYou would be pleased to know that there are courses form the Masters themselves. Microsoft has its own training materials for Excel. The advantage of learning here is that it’s fully updated.

What does the course cover?

The course offers the added advantage of learning entire Office software. It covers

  • Basics – Quick Start
  • Excel for small businesses
  • Excel for Admins and IT pros
  • Expert levels


Video training, learning from templates, access to guides, try techniques right from your browser, try the hands-on practice.

Cost: Free

5. Excel Exposure

excel exposureThis is a complete course for Microsoft Excel applicable to all experience levels. Originally a part of the University of Reddit, it’s now a free-standing Excel Training course. It is designed by Ben, who has won the Microsoft MVP Award (4 years running), so you can vouch for its credibility.

What does the course cover?

The course covers everything from Basics to Advanced Excel.
Benefits: Industry-specific topics, video lessons, expert tutorials, and much more.

Cost: Free

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